Who benefitted from JPP from last year’s purse drive?

Here’s a glimpse of what we did to support our community.

Blue Heart International: An organization helping victims of sex trafficking in the Sacramento region. www.blueheartinternational.org

Camp Fire survivors: On November 8, 2018 the most destructive fire in California history, The Camp Fire, began. Between Dec 2018 and February 2019 I sent over 600 purses to Camp Fire survivors.

Center Point: Provides services for pregnant women and women with children who face homelessness, unemployment, trauma, abuse, domestic violence, criminalbehavior, mental health and substance use disorders. www.cpinc.org

Chicks in Crisis: a non-profit organization based in Elk Grove, California offering adoption, parenting and educational services. www.chicksincrisis.org

Community Against Sexual Harm (CASH): Assists women in Sacramento who have been commercially sexually exploited. www.cashsac.org

Glass Slipper: to empower and equip at-risk girls for life. www.theglassslipper.org

Last Ministry: A non-profit that assists women coming out of Folsom Prison and also offers an Addiction Treatment and Recovery Program. www.lastministry.org

Mercy Housing: A leading, national non-profit organization who provides solutions to families or individuals that are facing eviction, that are homeless, or are struggling with their rent. www.needhelppayingbills.com

Mercy Multiplied: a nonprofit organization that helps young women break free from life-controlling behaviors and situations, including eating disorders, self-harm,drug and alcohol addictions, unplanned pregnancy, depression, sexual abuse, and sex trafficking. www.mercymultiplied.com

Nomadic Shelter: Participating churches in El Dorado County host one or more nights a week to provide homeless guests with a warm and safe place to sleep during the winter months. www.foothillsumc.net/NomadicShelter

Saint John’s Program for Real Change: Our mission is to unleash the potential of mothers in crisis to improve their quality of life and enrich the lives of their families. www.saintjohnsprogram.org

Sacramento Kindness Campaign: Partners with families to improve their quality of life no matter where they were born. www.sackindnesscampaign.org/

Safe Haven: Rescues women and children from domestic violence situations in Placer County. www.facebook.com/safehavenplacercounty

Stand Up PLACER: Saving lives by empowering survivors and educating communities to stand up to domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. www.standupplacer.org

Wellspring Women’s Center: Providing respite & resources to over 200 women children each weekday since 1987. www.wellspringwomen.org

Women’s Empowerment: Helping homeless women rise out of poverty. www.womens-empowerment.org